Eiffel Tower replica France

Eiffel Tower replica

Discover the best Eiffel Tower replica in France built by the company InnovMania in France. Best quality. Large Eiffel Tower replicas.

InnovMania proposes large Eiffel Tower replicas. According the model of the Eiffel Tower chosen, we can built it until 32,40 mètres (104,98 ft), so 1/10e of the real Eiffel Tower built in Paris !

A large number of the Eiffel Tower replicas in Paris with many photos of Eiffel Tower Paris.

High quality of materials to produce the Eiffel Tower. There are different kind of design and shapes.

The Eiffel tower can be shipped all around the world by truck, ship or airplane.

We have many customers all over the world. Eiffel towers are very innovative and could perfectly suit the elegant and refined decoration of your hotel (reception, rooms, bar, lobby...) !

Here is our dedicated websitehttps://www.toureiffeldecoration.com/

Do not hesitate to contact InnovMania if you have any question.

Eiffel Tower replica

Eiffel Tower replica


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